Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Happy at 20

All photos by myself

So, I turned 20 last week, hurrayy! I felt ready to turn 20 and shred those teenage years from me which was a surprise because I thought I would feel sad about it. Instead I feel more ambitious and driven than ever - applying for internships, competitions and jobs for the commencing summer months. I am due to start my first driving lesson tomorrow, something which I have saved up for as I think at 20 learning to drive is long overdue. I have changed my diet, started working out and am planning on joining my local gym for some fitness classes to help get me into the best shape of my life... hopefully. My birthday celebrations were so fantastic, I went for a meal and cocktails with my girlfriends Thursday, to a curry house with the family and boyfriend Friday and headed to Cambridge for the day with my Dad Saturday. I had never been before and I fell in love with the city. My dad and I went punting, which was hilarious, as we rented the boat we had to row ourselves and it felt more like a workout than a leisurely float down the river. My dad nearly fell in a couple of times, we lost the rod and crashed into many neighbouring boats along the way but hay it was so much fun! 

I am starting to think about third year, my final degree year and what I want to do. It is a huge and stressful weight on my shoulders and I wish I could just enjoy the thought of being able to do whatever I want but the thought is daunting. I have a fair bit of University work to do over the summer so these weeks of meals and socialising will have to become less frequent. And yes that is a rose Michael Kors watch you can see, my birthday present from my lovely boyfriend. Something I have wanted for a long time and it took seeing the silver version on a friend to realise just how much and I think it is appropriate for a 20 year old. 


  1. I love that white dress on you, very 60's with the beehive! Happy birthday as well, sounds like you had a lovely time!


  2. :) sounds like you had a great birthday! Enjoy life while you can, third year of Uni is so busy!

  3. I loved the pictures! And happy birthday! I'm sure you'll do well with life. :)


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