Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What I Did Recently

ASOS cream dress with black lace trim, Topshop black dress with cut-out waist, H&M white blouse, H&M denim shirt and H&M floral top.

Ah the first of August and where is the sunshine? The past couple of weeks have been glorious and now it is officially summer the sun is in hiding. I thought I would cheer us all up with revealing a few items I have recently purchased since my birthday as I felt I needed to buy at least a few new things for when I return to University (even though that isn't until October). I have two birthday's coming up later this month, my best Friend's Cara and Dee Dee (AKA Danielle) who are finally joining me at 20! I have this occasion along with going to London for Pure Tradeshow and will undoubtedly go out afterwards for a couple of cocktails and therefore, the two dresses above should come in very usual. I really like the ASOS cream dress with its black lace trim, especially the collar aspect, reminds me of something Alexa Chung might wear if she shopped for budget clothing. The dress was £21 if I remember rightly and I think for the money and quality it is a sheer bargain! The black Topshop dress has a slight sheen to it giving it a more expensive look. I really like the low-cut back and long sleeves as I normally get cold walking around bare legged down town. However, this was a more expensive purchase at around £36. The white shirt from H&M is one of my favourite new things, it looks so sophisticated and classy but has a slit at the front which reveals a little cleavage which stops it from looking too old for me - and at £12.99 you wouldn't sniff your nose at the price tag too. I have wanted a denim shirt for ages now as I think they make really nice casual wear, I had my beady eyes on a Zara one but it was too expensive so I opted for this H&M one instead for £19.99. I am yet to make my mind up whether they actually suit me though so it maybe a return. Lastly, this really cute floral top for £7.99 was a great summer purchase that looks great with my high-waist jeans. I wish I bought another for the same price in plain coral but I had to end the splurge at some point. After all I am not working and my overdraft is getting ever closer to - £0.00. Oh dear.

The last photographs are from my Instagram account which I have finally joined now owning an iphone so be sure to add me - my username is Holliefur. Don't forget to check out my new blog too - here.


  1. Beautiful! Can't wait to read your other blog! 2 blogs on the go, busy busy!

    1. Busy indeed, make sure you follow if you like!


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