Wednesday, 28 March 2012


1883 online
Hannah Murray with her eloquent, airy voice, softer (and sweeter) than whipped candy floss has the look of an innocent fairy masking serious intelligence and ambition. I first saw her face on Skins, now I hold my hands up and admit that I was never a great fan of Skins, the teenage TV series that portrayed youth as either reckless and irresponsible or its polar opposite, never somewhere in-between but I couldn't deny Murray's acting abilities. Now she has escaped the cliché teenage roles and is now playing Gilly in the season two drama debut of Game of Thrones. The TV series looks more like a feature film with its impressive special effects and decadent stage productions, a million miles away from the urban setting Hannah was used to in the start of her professional acting career. Not only has Hannah landed a bold new part in Game of Thrones but recently landed a role in the latest Tim Burton’s film Dark Shadows. Is this the next big screen budding actress in the making?
Here is a quick peak at the 1883 interview with Hannah below:
Fashion seems to play a huge part in your life, you always look great, tell us a bit about your look?
I used to be VERY creative about the way I dressed, when I was a teenager I dressed quite similarly to how Cassie does, which I think was a big part of why they cast me -  I came into my auditions in a sailor top and with a watch on my ankle!
And then after that I had a very strong desire to be as unassuming as possible. I like very plain clothes - I wear a lot of black and navy, a bit of grey - I usually wear jeans and jumpers or t-shirts. I like to wear things that are comfortable. I think it’s partly a desire not to look like the character I played, partly not to draw attention, but also a big part of it I think was about growing up and about wanting to be taken more seriously.  I like to wear things that are as neutral as possible so that people can’t assume they have me figured out from my outfit.
What’s next on the cards?
I’ve just finished a film called The Numbers Station, which is a thriller starring John Cusack. And then I really need to get down to reading the next books for Game of Thrones, to start finding out what

could be in store for Gilly…


  1. I was never really a skins fan either but I do have to say she always caught my eye, she's quite quirky and I like actresses who are a bit different!

  2. wow, I love her! She was my favourite character, especially since I could always rely on her wearing something interesting.


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