Sunday 13 November 2011

Going back to go forward

I love painting, it is a serious passion of mine or it was. I am trying to get back into it as when I came to uni I kind of lost touch with it all together. My favourite type of painting is water colour seascapes. These images are the first I have painted in a very long time so my technique isn't as accomplished as it used to be. I really need to get my hands on my old work from A Level and play around with it in Photoshop like the top image as I think it could make it much more interesting. This year, I am really trying to get back to my roots, my loves in life. Just because I am doing fashion now doesn't mean I can't draw and paint and write literature. However, it does mean it will be a lot harder to do around my studies. I feel like a joker juggling, trying to keep everything up the air until something, eventually drops. I guess that is the life of a fashion student, to learn the art of multi-tasking. Thank god I'm a woman then, mother nature should be on my side. 


  1. Wow, the top picture is really striking Hollie, lovely! And your seascape is beautiful too! After studying painting at university I have never mastered the art of using watercolours! It's a really tricky medium to use!

    Jade x

  2. Thank you, really sweet comment. Water colour is tricky to use!! I need more practice but I am enjoying re-learning how to do it.

    Hollie X


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